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More Ways To Make Money

The post about making some money on the web has attracted some e-mails. I’ve decided to continue adding some more opportunities as I bump into them. I’m trying to post as many legitimate sources of secondary income as is possible. If you try something out and they’re no longer or if their terms have changed please let me know. These shouldn’t cost you anything.

Amazon Associate Central. Sell their stuff online.
Cafe Press. Design something. They’re slap it on everything
eBay. Sell your stuff online.
eHow. Write and article and drive traffic to it for $$.
Rent-A-Coder. Can you code? Build websites? Make logos? They’ll pay you!

I’ll keep adding new things every week so that you too can try to make some extra money online. So far I’ve cashed a check from Cash Crate for $14.00.