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Popular Landlord and Tenant Rental Scams

Rental Scams

A few years ago during the big mortgage meltdown, I became a homeowner for the first time.  Although I purchased my first home, it was not one that I planned on living in; I had made the decision to become a real estate investor.  Since then I have added one additional investment property bringing my current real estate holdings to two homes with three units.  My brother also purchased a rental property in the same area with three units.

Being an investor is not all about sitting at home collecting rental checks; nor is it about handing your property over to a management company to deal with.  My brother and I have had to learn, very quickly, how to spot issues before they become serious problems.  The most common issue that we have run into involves rental scams.

As a landlord, I tend to focus on scams that originate from renters, but after establishing the site,, I have also seen complaints about landlord scams a well.  Today I would like to share with you the most common rental scams that I have seen online.

Renter Scams

Landlord Scams

Spotting a scam, whether you are a landlord or a tenant is pretty easy when you know what to look for.  Trusting your instincts is your first line of defense when confronted with a scam.  Also, doing your due diligence, even if it just involves doing a web search of the person who you are dealing with, will help as well.