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You’re Getting Government Subsidies & Entitlements Too

You're Getting Government Subsidies & Entitlements Too

Hey, you there.  The one who said that about 47% of the country,  “are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it.  That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them.” I’m talking to you and others like you who look down your noses at poor people thinking that they they are just lazy moochers sucking at the government teat like a new born baby.

I’m the first to point anyone who is ready to defraud America’s social welfare systems when they should not be on a particular program.  And I’ve put my money where my mouth is, turning away potential renters who were defrauding the system into having their rent paid.  But I’ve seen people literally resort to stealing food because they were hungry and did not qualify for the safety nets that exist for some.  For everyone who has ever irresponsibly had children knowing that they couldn’t afford them, I’ve also seen people who never thought that they would need governmental assistance have to depend on those programs because they have lost their jobs.  I know poverty very well, because I’ve lived it and I never, ever expected the government to support me. In fact, I pay a higher tax rate than you do.

While you’re busy looking down on the poor, have you realized that you might be benefiting from government subsidies and not even know it? Yes, you too with the golden spoon, you’ve been on the government dole.  Don’t think so?  Well let me help you by listing some things that the government has subsidized that you too benefit from, even if you’ve never gotten a check from the government.  I’ll start with the most obvious ones first and get down to things that you probably have never thought of.

Listen, Mr. High Horse, no one wants to see anyone taking advantage of the government.  When they do, they are stealing from every single one of us who have ever worked, paid taxes and contributed to society in ways that amount to more than our paychecks.  What I’m unwilling to ever do, is assume that anyone who has ever received any sort of aid did not deserve it, or that everyone who needs assistance at some point in their lives believe that they are victims.

This blog isn’t about politics, it’s about money.  But if you want to be the leader of my country, statements like, “And so my job is not to worry about those people—I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives,” just doesn’t sit well with me.  This blog, and others like it are here to help people who find themselves in just this circumstance so that they can improve their lives.

Don’t tell me that you’ve given up hope on 47% of the country before you’ve even spent one night in a house that will be paid for by the people that you don’t care about.