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Cheapskate Video Pick: How To Save Money On Pets

The love of my life is this furry little dog that we’ll call Puppy.  I need to upload a new photo, but if you haven’t seen her yet, take a peek at her a few months ago during her favorite pastime – sleeping while snuggled up to me as I’m working on the laptop. In fact, she’s asleep across my leg as I write. Did you know that dogs snore? I digress. Getting Puppy was not my idea and initially I was royally pissed that BF decided to get Puppy without clearing it with me, but as time went on this little ball of very affectionate reddish fur and cognac colored eyes wormed her way into my heart.  With that said, I’m not about to let her lighten my pockets too much, since I have this debt issue and that whole tax problem.  So, how do I save money on Puppy while spoiling her? It’s this week’s Cheapskate Video to the rescue.

This week we explore how to save money on our pets. Maybe I’ll have puppy do a cameo one day.