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I Guess This Is My Meme

First, I had no idea what the heck a meme (sounds like like theme) is. I am tech savvy enough but I guess not enough to know what the heck a meme was. According to The Daily Meme it is “In the context of web logs / ‘blogs / blogging and other kinds of personal web sites it’s some kind of list of questions that you saw somewhere else and you decided to answer the questions. Then someone else sees them and does them and so on and so on.” So Dave over at Do You Dave Ramsey tagged me in his meme so I’m obliged to do one!

The rules are:
1 Link to your original tagger and list these rules in your post…Do You Dave Ramsey got me hooked into this.
2 Share 7 facts about yourself in the post (rats!)
3 Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names and links to their blogs
4 Let them know they’ve been tagged.

Here goes nothing!

Yeah! All done. I don’t think that was too bad right? So here’s my list of bloggers that I am passing this on to.

Mr Plasectomy at My Plasectomy. He’s been supportive of the blog
Paidtwice at I’ve Paid For This Twice Already….
Frugal Dad at Frugal Dad. I love a cheap, uh frugal man.
Nickel at Five Cent Nickel. He’s all technical.
Kelly at Almost Frugal. She’s not cheap, she’s frugal.
Lynnae at Being Frugal Another frugal person.
LuLuGal at How I Save Money Small changes can add up.

I just realized that everyone of the list is frugal, but that’s okay ’cause I’m cheap! That’s it! Good luck with the memes.

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