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More Ways to Help Haiti

I know that I made a post of Haiti before but I don’t think that one post is enough. Yes, this is a personal finance blog, but it’s also a blog about me and for some reason, what is happening in Haiti reverberates with my soul.

By now you’ve seen photos and heard stories. You may even have watched the telethon last night but what we are seeing on television is a censored version of what is happening on the streets. I don’t want to get gruesome but the level of death and destruction is like an apocalypse. The fact is that we are only hearing about the capital city but there were other towns and cities damaged as well. Please just imagine for a second a country where half of the population is homeless, hungry and helpless. My soul is crying for Haiti and I, no, WE all have to do something.

I know that we can’t all donate money, but I have a solution. I wrote an eHow article that I am keeping updated on how you can help but remember, all help does not have to be monetary. I know that there is a box of band-aides sitting in your bathroom that you can donate. You might have a bag of $0.99 spaghetti that you won’t miss. Maybe your baby has outgrown some clothes that you haven’t gotten rid of. Perhaps you liked one of the songs from the telethon like the one you are listening to and would like to download it. We can all do a little!

We can’t wait until tomorrow.

Blood donations are critical right now to help meet the medical needs of victims. If you are not financially able to make a monetary donation, consider donating blood to the American Red Cross and ask for your donation to be directed towards this crisis.

The Haitian embassy has a long list of items that are in critical need to aid in survival. You can also donate food that is not in cans. Cans are heavy, dent easily and require a can opener. Things such as tuna and pasta in pouches are the types of food needed. Please click for more information. You can also call 718.755.0119 or 202.904.9070 for more information.

Engineers and individuals with prior disaster experience and technical skills are needed. You can volunteer through the Center for International Disaster Information at 703-276-1914 to get more information.

Download music from last night’s telethon from iTunes.