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What Motivated You To Be Financially Responsible

What Motivated You To Be Financially Responsible

This is an article by Shane of as part of the Yakezie Blog Swap. This swaps’ topic is “What motivates you to be financially responsible.”

Motivation is a funny thing. It’s a word that we give to many things, all of which are things that drive us to do something. Often, when someone is particularly good at something, or, succeeds at something, we say that person was “motivated”. I like to use a term called Financial Intentionality. What it really boils down to is that our intentions for our money are what give us our motivation. They are what drive us to earn, save, and spend that money.

None of that does much of anything without some responsibility. It’s easy to say that your intention for your money is to buy you as much stuff as possible leaving you with nothing at the end of the month. Well, you likely wouldn’t actually say that, but observers would. But, having some responsibility to yourself, and others, in your finances is what really helps to bring the idea of financial intentionality to life.

What motivates me to be financially responsible? There are many things that motivate me to that end.

Those motivations are at the core of what really drives me to live my financial life with intention. They are the motivations that guide how I set my intentions for my money, not only in how I spend my money, but in how I earn and save my money. I think it’s important to define what our intentions are for our money. What are your intentions for your money? What motivates you to be financially responsible?

Shane’s response to this question is amazing. Check out my post on the same topic at Beating Broke where he’s teaching everyone how to never be broke again.