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Make Money From Me Right Now!

giving-money - Make Money From Me Right Now!

I’ve moved away from talking about debt all the time on this blog and instead decided to incorporate some ways to make additional money…to use for debt repayment, of course.  Some of these methods might be a bit unorthodox, so I know that it leaves many of you apprehensive about trying some of these things yourself.  One such method might have been a peer-to-peer loan or investment on Prosper or Lending Club.

My last article on this spoke about what my own returns were like on as a lender.  With returns close to 10%, it’s pretty impressive.  Many of you sent me private e-mails wanting to know more about this investment vehicle and I answered them to the best of my abilities referring back to the sites themselves when I was unsure.

Still, I know that some of you are on the fence about this.  Here I am to the rescue.  Kinda.  Okay, you might be rescuing me. Drumroll, please.

I have a listing on right now and you can make money off of me by bidding on it.

If I could put that in blinking neon lights I would have.  It’s a pretty good listing, I think. even has it on their front page as a featured listing.  Now, here’s the deal.  I need a loan, the details of which are somewhat in my loan listing and the rest of which you will hear about in my monthly wrap up at the end of November.  If you’ve been following my finances you know that I have some credit card debt currently at 0% and I took a loan out of my 401K to pay for the investment property last year. I put a listing on prosper to combine those two things into one.

Here is where we can both probably help each other out.  You can choose to register on as a lender and invest in my loan.  I’m not supposed to *guarantee* you any returns, but I always say that past behavior is a good indicator of future behavior.  If you look at my past on, you will see that I have taken out two loans before and paid them both back well ahead of time.  So, I would say that you’re almost, kinda, sorta, guaranteed that I will not default.  I’ve never defaulted on anything in my life, and I won’t start now. I’m practically throwing the money right back to you…in monthly increments with interest attached.

I’m going to be honest with you.  The loan term is for 3 years.  If you have read this blog for longer than a week, you know that I’m not a fan of debt.  I’m saying this to tell you ahead of time that I DO NOT plan on having this for the full three year duration.  For borrowers this means that you won’t get the maximum return as possible on the loan.  Sorry!  I can say that your return will far exceed what Chase, HSBC, ING, Ally Bank and all of the others are paying in interest.

So, as the saying goes, you scratch my back, I scrape yours.  Something to that effect.  Sign up now, because this listing is only valid for another 13 days, and I need this loan to fund.  I’m not above begging. Maybe I am.  Okay, I lied, I’m not.

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