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I’m Finally On WordPress

I’m a million years late, but I finally figured out how to migrate my blog (with lots of web searching and blunders) from one horrifically difficult platform over to WordPress.  Sorry to those of you that visited the blog today.  I know that it was down for most of the day and then it had lots of craziness going on otherwise, but that’s almost over with now.  🙂  What does this mean for you?  Well, I guess not too much, but there will be a few enhancements that should make this blog more interesting for you.

You’ll notice some a featured Youtube video that you can watch, the ability to search the site more easily, better ability to comments, a nice tag clod, hopefully my Twitter timeline, and whatever else I discover that will enhance your experience here.

There were a few kinks though.  The comments are all attached to the wrong posts.  I’m trying to figure out how to fix that, so please forgive me if the blog changes from one day to another.  I’m muddling though this the best way possible.

Finally, thanks for sticking with me this long!  I hope you guys like the new look.