The result of my nearly two decades of experience is a 5 module course that is designed to get you up and running and selling on Amazon. Modules include videos, ebooks, check lists, live video classes, templates and Periscope videos designed to help you get online and profitable, fast.
I teach you how to put everything together so that you can begin earning side money from your first month in business.
So will this make you rich?
Simply put…no! This is not a get rich quick program…this isn’t even a get rich program.
The strategies in the program will teach you how to establish your business and sell on Amazon, but this is a side hustle! While you can take this program as far as you’d like, this is a beginner level program that explains everything that you need to establish your new business and get you selling on Amazon.
You can sell thousands of dollars in merchandise per month, part-time, just like I do.
Did you know that outside sellers now account for over 45% of the total number of Amazon’s sales? Considering that Amazon made a record $79.27 billion in product sales in 2015 alone, you should be eager to get a tiny bite of that very huge pie.
If you’ve ever wanted to open your own online store, selling on Amazon significantly increases your ability to reach millions of customers every single day. Not only can you reach a significant amount of people, but you can do so very cost effectively.
44% of web shoppers go directly to Amazon to shop*. We’re talking about nearly half of all people who go online to shop! If your products are not on Amazon, you don’t get first crack at them.
Source: Venture Beat
Amazon says that Prime membership grew by 47% in the United States in 2015. Globally, Prime membership grew 51%. It’s well known that Prime members utilize their access to free shipping to shop more often. More frequent shopping means more sales opportunities for you.
Amazon’s FBA (fulfilled by Amazon) program, designed for third party sellers, continues to grow at a fast clip. At the end of 2015, Amazon announced that 50% of it’s final quarter sales occurred through FBA. This program allows you to send your products directly to Amazon and have them handle everything.
When you open your own e-commerce store, you typically have to worry about building out a web store, secure shopping carts, payment gateways and marketing before you even begin! Amazon takes care of all of that for you so you just find your products and list them on Amazon.
One major mistake that I see people making is thinking that it’s expensive to start. Amazon allows you to list products for just $1 or try out their professional seller account for free for the first 30 days. That gives you time to get started and make sales before it costs you more than just your wholesale item cost
Everything that you need to know about Amazon
to get your business up and running
and making money with as little investment as possible.
(and there’s more not listed here)
Module 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5
- Help you decide how to structure your business
- Teach you different business organization types included benefits and limitations of each
- Walk through of requesting a federal employer identification number (EIN)
- Show your duties as an employer if you have staff
- Assist with basic accounting to minimize your liability
- Detail the best way to set up your virtual office including banking
This is the unsexy module that no one wants to deal with, but I’ve found that unless you take care of these details immediately, you face the risk of playing catch up only after something negative has occurred.
Structuring your business correctly in the beginning is essential before you open your doors for business. You are building your business from the ground up and mistakes are this juncture may follow you indefinitely and be costly to correct.
- Help you choose a selling plan
- Show you how to register on Amazon and start listing
- Show you which categories you can list in based on your selling plan
- Teach you how to list products already on Amazon and your own products
- Tell you what to do when you receive an order
- Help make sure you get paid
- Show you what to do when processing returns and refunds
- Teach you the basics of customer service
I like to call this the meat and potatoes of the entire course. This will get your business up and running on Amazon immediately. You’ll use this information as your handy reference guide throughout your initial listing period.
To get a good idea of how your business will perform in this marketplace environment, you’ll want to get a clear picture of what selling on Amazon entails. This module gives you a comprehensive step-by-step guide as well as many tips to get you started.
- Show you basic sourcing techniques
- Walk you through retail arbitrage
- Show different wholesale opportunities
- Teach you how to work with companies you find on Alibaba and AliExpress
- Show techniques for finding what to sell
One of the biggest challenges aspiring e-commerce entrepreneurs face is figuring out what to sell online – whether it’s a single product or multiple products that occupy a niche in a market. Coming up with product ideas can be tough and it often feels like everything has already been done; not to mention there’s a lot of competition online these days.
Your life-long love of Star Wars figurines doesn’t mean it’s a great niche to build your new e-commerce store around. If a thriving business is your goal, you should follow a methodical approach and pick a niche with attributes that will lead to online success.
In this module you’ll learn strategies to help you find a niche and product to sell. I’ll also show you how to determine if there’s enough demand for your product, and give you a few tools to measure the competitive pressures in those areas.
- Teach you the benefits of drop shipping
- Discuss the disadvantages of drop shipping
- Go through finding drop ship suppliers
- Using retailers as drop shippers through retail arbitrage
- Some drop shipping resources
So you’ve decided to start an e-commerce business and started reading everything there is to know then bumped into drop shipping. Starting a business without having to invest thousands of dollars in merchandise seems like the holy grail but it can be fraught with disadvantages.
This guide will teach you everything you need to know to get your own drop shipping business off the ground while avoiding the costly mistakes that can kill new drop shipping ventures. We’ll discuss everything from drop shipping basics to operating a drop shipping business and dealing with some of the problems that arise.
- Creating private label products
- Getting into restricted product categories
- Product advertisements
- Winning the Buy Box
- Fulfillment By Amazon
This final module shares advanced techniques for improving your Amazon sales. These are the personal techniques and strategies I use every day to maximize my Amazon sales. We’ll even chat with seasoned professionals who make their living on Amazon through their own six figure businesses.
How much would adding a side hustle
that makes you some extra money change your life?
In just 5 weeks you can learn enough to immediately begin your business and start profiting from Amazon’s reputation and hard work.
Dedicate your Amazon side hustle income to improving your own lifestyle right now, not some time in the future.
In debt? Get out of debt a little faster by utilizing this extra income to repay your debt.
No time for a second job? You’re not the only one. Past students have actioned the lessons to build a second income without working a second job.
That is the opportunity that is available to you right now.
And to make sure you’re supported every step of the way,
you’ll also get access to:

This is a group of doers committed to improving their financial situation though action. They are budding entrepreneurs, like you, who want to start their small businesses on the right foot and get support throughout the entire process – from start to finish.
Here’s how some of the current members have used the group:
- Discussed which company structure is best for their business and state
- Shared over 240 side hustles
- Learned how to blog for profit
- Tested side hustles shared with the group
- Vetted business ideas and viability
- Learned from experts on what worked best for their businesses
You’ll be able to utilize this group as well to:
- Have an immediate focus group who can give you feedback on your product or service
- Share resources for finding and developing your own products
- Give you opinions on how to handle customer service issues
- Build relationships that can help as you start and grow your business
They’re not called the #HustleCrew because they’re sitting on their hands!

Getting all of this together in one space is pretty important, but I know that it can be intimidating. I wish that someone had been there to hold my hand and walk me through the process as I stumbled through setting up my Amazon account.
For a limited time, I’m offering you one seat in my 30 minute group coaching sessions. You’ll get access to me and others going through the class at the same time that you are starting and we’ll all do it together – twice. You won’t be left alone to your own devices as I answer any question that you have about this process.
Current students have used these sessions to help determine where to find products, how to structure their businesses and listing their first products on Amazon. These exclusive coaching sessions are limited to 5 people only!
IncludesYou’ll have individual time to ask questions
IncludesGet support from other students in this process
IncludesUpgrade to private one-on-one coaching if needed
IncludesCoaching is being offered for an extremely limited time and may not be offered on an individual basis in the future.

If you’ve been selling on Amazon for some time, you may eventually come to one conclusion – that you can hold on to more of your money by selling your products on your own website. The problem is, how do you build a low cost website without coding?
I’ve found the perfect system for building your website without spending a ton of money or hiring a bunch of coders who may take weeks to get the job done. The system that I will show you as a limited bonus item is the very same system that I use for my own money making websites.
I will walk you through everything that you need for your website from start to finish and it won’t take weeks to get it done either.
IncludesRegistering your domain (that’s the stuff that comes after the www)
IncludesMaking sure your personal information is private
IncludesSigning up for your web store
IncludesLoading products onto your website
IncludesPlugging in PayPal as your easy payment processor
IncludesSetting up automatic shipping costs
IncludesProcessing your orders
This is in addition to the learning modules that you’ll already receive. This walk through alone is valuable even if you decide that you don’t want to sell on Amazon but would prefer to run your own web store.

You’ll get 60 days of access to the full 5-module course materials including: videos, podcasts, Periscope recordings, checklists, module handbooks, and quizzes that test how much you have learned within each module.
- You’ll QUICKLY and confidently learn everything that you need to know to get your business up and running, fast – just 5 very short weeks.
- Each module guide can stand on its own as an individual course book. These guidebooks combined with each multi-media item gives you multiple ways to learns as much as possible about each subject area.
- You also get access to a drop ship supplier list embedded within the drop shipping module itself. Finding suppliers is one of the hardest tasks when beginning a product based business and this gives you a lengthy leg up.
- You also get significant access to asking questions as you go along through each module. You can even interact with other class members taking the class at the same time.
Two live virtual class sessions with me!

You will receive access to this group of like-minded individuals who are all building their own businesses. You get to learn from and leverage their advice as you establish your own presence by joining Amazon. I am in the group every day, sharing and interacting with the members.
This group enjoys live video and guest experts that you won’t find elsewhere and while others will pay, you will receive access to this portal included in your class.

I want to reward your commitment to starting your own side hustle with a complete step-by-step system, Starting Your Amazon Side Hustle, that will get you started and scaling your new e-commerce business quickly. You can get started RIGHT NOW by choosing the plan that works best for you at this special price.
Will I have time to take this class?
Yeah! The course material is self-paced with new material being assigned to you on a weekly basis. The information lasts for 5 weeks so you can log in whenever you’d like at whatever time you’d like to study the materials. Everything is available to you 24 hours a day! There are two live sessions that are held at set times that you should join.
How much time do I have to devote to the classes?
Some weeks have more heavy lifting than others. Between videos and the course modules, you should plan on devoting about 3 hours each week to the material. That’s only 30 minutes each day.
Is there a lot of reading?
Course materials are presented in video, podcast, recorded Periscope videos, and yes, course modules. You can’t avoid reading, but there is a great deal of information on the other platforms.
Do I have to pay for the Hustle Crew membership when the class ends?
At this time, membership for course participants will be free. If that does change in the future, you will receive advanced notice (at least 30 days). For now though, we’re having a great time sharing with each other and with less than 200 members, the group is small enough to not get lost in the crowd.
When are the live classes held?
Live classes are held on Saturdays at 12:00pm Eastern time. If you are unable to join, a replay will be made available to you. Classes are held at the end of week 2 and week 4.
What if I can’t finish?
You will have access to course materials for 60 days. You will also get reminders to go into the course site to review your course materials. Once your 60 days has expired, your will lose access to the site.
Can you help me privately?
I do occasionally offer private one-on-one coaching, however, this is offered only after a student has already taken my class. There is SO much material in the classes that I want to be sure that you’ve gone through that process first before thinking of private coaching.
Can I watch your webinar again?
Sure thing. You can always watch a replay of the webinar. If you’ve never seen my free webinar on Amazon, you should definitely start there and then come back when you’re ready to learn more.
Can I do a trial first?
Unfortunately, there are no free trials of this program, however, there is a Periscope only level which does give you an idea of some of the information covered in the class.

Perhaps you’ve already established your own e-commerce business but just need a little help.
Maybe you’re ready to start your business but you just need some guidance. Maybe you just want to learn about the information in just one of the modules. Whatever the reason, you may need some of the information in the class, but not every.
No worries! You can purchase 30-day access to the material each specific module if needed when needed. If you want to learn everything about drop shipping – the most popular module – you can purchase that module alone! Once you’ve purchase an individual module, you can always purchase whichever module you would like.
You should know, individual modules do not come with the bonus items. You won’t get access to live coaching or to the e-commerce store walk-through.
I’m so happy to help you begin as you take this first step into starting your own small business and building wealth.