I totally forgot to cross something off my bucket list. On Mother’s Day I cut my hair. I didn’t just cut my hair, I cut my hair OFF. How can I best describe this? Something of a cross between Pink, Rihanna, Ellen and Halle Berry. I guess that might be a little confusing. Basically one side is pretty much almost shaved and the other side is long enough to have my hair be professional looking in the day. The back is pretty much cut off. I’d say maybe it’s 1/4 inch long in graduated layers. It took a bit of getting used to. Word to the wise, do not walk into your local salon and tell the stylist that you want something edgy and you don’t mind having it extremely short. Yikes!
I walked into the office and no one recognized me. I mean to the point where people walked past me thinking that I was someone new. 🙂 It was hilarious and I kep touching my hair because I felt kind of boyish. No, no, it didn’t feel boyish. It felt bald. At least that was my perception. I’d love to take a photo for you, but I like to keep my photos off the internet so I’ll leave you with a few of the ladies that I mentioned. Love them all.