If you’ve spent more than 2 days on this blog, you’ll find that I am BIG on education. I’m all for education as a means of both learning and wealth building. Traditionally, we have been taught that finishing high school and pursuing a college education is the way to go, but unfortunately, many people do not finish college and instead drop out.
Did you know that the U.S. has the highest college drop out rate in the world? According to a new study by Fidelity, 70% of the class of 2013 is graduating with an average of $35,000 in college-related debt including federal, state and private loans, credit cards and debt owed to family. Many college dropouts leave with debt that might be hard to repay.
But why are American students dropping out at rates that are triple that of some Asian countries? Check out the infographic below.
Click to enlarge

Source: OnlineColleges.net