I read an article on the NY Times website that left me so angry that I had no choice but to share it with you. Everyone knows that we’re all having rough times and people are dying with debts and little to no assets. What we sometimes don’t know is that bill collectors are attempting to collect money from the families of the deceased and people are paying these collectors not knowing that they are not responsible for the dead person’s debts!. It is a shady a practice that debt collectors get away with because people do not know their rights.
We’re not talking about people who die with an estate that can afford to pay for things. We are talking small debts, credit cards debts (which by the way are often insured for a death before repayment) and the like. These are people with little to no assets and their survivors are being hounded for money while in the middle of their grief.
So here’s the article. I implore you to read it and share it with your friends and family today.