Ladies and gentlemen, you know how much I love a challenge and how much I love side hustles. I’ve been invited to take part in a side hustle challenge and absolutely could not resist.
Have you heard of Fiverr? No? Well get ready to pull a crisp Lincoln out of your wallet because this site is going to change your perception of just how far a $5 bill can go.
The very short story is that Fiverr is a freelance marketplace where service providers offer jobs, or as they call them on Fiverr, “gigs” starting at $5 each. You can add extras and additional items to the basic gig which can add up to lots of money based on the complexity of your gig extra.
So, this challenge involves 10 personal finance bloggers including yours truly and 10 lifestyle bloggers. We’re not going to talk about the opposing team since I need my team to win! Involved in this challenge from the personal finance side are:
We have to see which team will make as much money as possible within 60 days.

I’m going to be honest here, I tend to shy away from things that require me to trade my time for dollars. That’s pretty much why I have moved to product sales and drop shipping. But, the beauty of Fiverr is that you can sell your services even while you sleep and wake up to orders. Typically, these types of gigs will not take much time, so it’s possible to string multiple gigs together to earn a decent hourly wage.
With many, many gigs currently offered on Fiverr, I had to think long and hard about how I would differentiate myself from the multitude of freelancers offering their services online.
Graphics creation is pretty popular on Fiverr. Want a logo created? Done for $5. Want your old image recolored? Once again, someone will do it for $5. Need your horrible photo retouched? I had the photo on the landing page of this blog retouched on Fiverr and it only cost me $5. The problem though is that popularity means plenty of competition. What gig could I offer with relatively low competition?
I needed a gig that wouldn’t take me very much time to complete once each gig was purchased. It took me a few days to come up with a gig, but with the help of all of the announcements that I see on my Facebook feed, I stumbled into an idea.
I feel like everyone is either getting married or having a baby these days. Some of the status changes and announcements on Facebook were accompanied by images. Why can’t I help people make a beautiful electronic announcement when sharing an event like the fact that they were expecting?
Back to Fiverr I went to see what my competition looked like. Funny enough, I really didn’t find very many people who offer pregnancy announcements. I’ve either stumbled onto a gold mine or I’m an idiot. So, that’s my gig. If you’re pregnant and haven’t told your friends yet, how about an image announcement?
Okay, so the way that you can make even more money on Fiverr beyond the initial $5 is by offering extras. You can offer extras for things like personalization, speeding up the delivery time, sending over a source file, etc. Offering extras is really the key to making a really good amount of money on each gig.
Okay, so this is where this challenge gets really good. The folks at Fiverr are willing to offer free gift certificates worth $5 for our readers who want to purchase our gigs. So, if you’re expecting and you want to help my team win, visit my gig on Fiverr to take a look and then use code YESIAMCHEAP for $5 off my gig.
I’ll be sharing my progress along the way all over Twitter by sharing using the hash tag #FiverHustle, so you can keep up! You should also scroll back up and check out my team mates too.
So, want to help me win but don’t really need my services? Then simply vote for me! It takes less than a minute to help me win this challenge. As we enter the end of the year, you guys KNOW that this is what we call Hustle Season. You know that I am a firm believer in alternative income streams and this is one of the easiest ways to make extra cash during this upcoming Christmas season.
I’ll be sharing how much I made on Fiverr a few times through this challenge. Wish me luck!
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by in cooperation with Kasai Media. I will be compensated for participating in this challenge, but, since this is my site, all opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.